Community United Methodist Church
Westcliffe, Colorado

Adult Bible Study: Exodus Part 1 and 2 10:30am Sundays
​Why is it important to study the Book of Exodus?
Exodus is the grand narrative of God’s work of salvation in the Old Testament. That may not mean much to you, but there are few accounts as impressive, dramatic and stirring as Exodus. The drama of the confrontation between Pharaoh and God, the violent plagues that He rains down on Egypt, the bloodied Passover lamb slain, the dramatic Red Sea parting, the terrifying encounters on Sinai and the Commandments, the wondrous sight of the cloud and fire pillars, the water bursting from the rock, the detailed symbolism of the holy Tabernacle, the scandal of the Golden Calf -- all of it is meant to be a part of the heart of hope. For the Christian, the rest of the Bible builds from the fundamentals of God’s unfolding grace revealed in the Book of Exodus. We need holy vision unveiled and eyes of our heart awakened to this great Old Testament story of rescue and redemption.
Finally, Exodus is key to understanding the Passover experience. Therefore, it is important in the story of Christ’s upbringing, ministry and final days on earth. Exodus testifies that God is at work. He saves those in need. He will stop at nothing—even sending Jesus to do so.
This book:
Provides context for the rest of the Bible
Defines Jewish Identity
Symbolizes Journey
Redefines laws and religious practices
Is Central to the New Testament
Reveals God’s power
Part 1: January 19, 26; February 2, 9
Plagues and Hard Hearts-Let my People Go!
Part 2: February 23; March 2, 9, 16
Wandering People
Each week you will receive handouts, participate in activities and meet God’s amazing plan of redemption. Pastor Jean’s sister, Lorna Grooms will be the guest facilitator. She will join us virtually each week as Pastor Jean is present in person to assist. Buckle your seat belts for agreat ride into a new understanding of our wondrous God! Please, pre-register for the study. Sign up in the Sanctuary or email